Fitting And Training Tips

Bad behaviors can negatively impact your relationship with your dog and sometimes it could lead to dog abandonment. When you’re looking to improve your dog’s behaviors at home or in social settings, it's very important to have some fundamental understandings of dog psychology and how s/he is influenced by your actions and energy. Bingo's is very happy to offer you some handy and practical training tips to help you build a harmonious relationship with your pooch. 

Question: How do I get my dog to willingly and comfortably wear the head collar as he has not used such products before?

Answer: The first time is never easy, is it? Motivating and encouraging your dog with praise and tasty treats greatly help with the fitting and adjusting process. If your dog is very sensitive, before putting on the head collar, gently massage his snout area while bribing him with treats to get him used to the idea. Little by little, he will associate the collar with comfort. For first time users, it is better to fit your dog in a quiet indoor space to ensure a distraction-free and stress-free environment.

Question: I have tried to bribe my dog with treats and massaged her snout ahead of time. But she still resists wearing the head collar. Are there any other suggestions?

Answer: We encourage you to take your time introducing the head collar slowly as the fit and feel may be a new experience for some dogs. Have your dog wear the head collar during meal time. Put it on right before they eat and take it off right after they are finished. Hold the nose loop and invite your dog to place her snout through the loop. When she does that even partially, say "yes" and reward with a treat. Don't move toward the dog during the process. Put the product on twice a day for three minutes or less playtime (not a walk) while giving your dog treats and praise. Stop the treats when the head collar is taken off. 

Question: What are the right ways to do the fitting since the process is so crucial for this head collar to correct pulling while keeping the nose skin not chafed?

Answer: You are right. There are two key factors in fitting. One is that the nose loop must be tight enough to not be pulled or rubbed off by the dog while loose enough for the dog to freely open his mouth. The other is that the collar must be positioned just behind the ears and be really snug so only one finger can fit under it.

Question: How to remove the head collar off my dog?

Answer: Simply unbuckle the collar and slide the whole product off of your dog’s nose. There is no need to unsnap the nose loop clasp unless the fit needs to be adjusted. Make sure to store it at somewhere your dog won't find and chew.

Question: How to practice using this product to correct pulling, jumping and lunging while walking?

Answer: First thing first is to take a quick look if the fit remains proper before each walk. Sometimes, the nose loop and the collar might get loose after some walks and you need to readjust them. Then, when you walk the dog, stand to the right side of your dog. Keep the leash one foot long between you and the dog to get a better and quicker control while allowing some slack in the leash for the dog to be able to move his head freely. Begin by walking forward and encouraging your pooch to come alongside you, saying "Let's go" or other cue you'd like to use. When s/he pulls, do not suddenly yank the leash. Instead, steadily stand still and commend "Heel". The dog should instinctively get it and stop. Immediately release all the tension of the leash and reward her/him right away with nice treats. When s/he jumps unwantedly, swiftly lower the leash and hence the neck as much as possible and commend "Down". Also immediately release all the tension of the leash and reward with nice treats to reinforce the good behaviors. Repetition, repetition and repetition! We guarantee the desired results within 3 days to 1 week.

Question: My dog doesn't feel like walking while wearing this head collar. What shall I do?

Answer: If your dog tends to hang back and not want to walk with you, don't pull the leash because the pressure at the back of the neck will make your dog want to slow down. Instead, motivate your dog to follow you by using cheerful verbal cues, body language, treats or a toy. If those still don't work, you may want to try walking in a different direction or using a small piece of BBQ chicken meat.

Question: Any there any maintenance suggestions since the head collar is not 100% mess-proof?

Answer: Saliva, pawing and liquid spill could get the head collar unclean and stiff. A stiff nose loop does no good to keeping your pooch's nose skin intact. Luckily, the product can be either machine washed or hand washed. We recommend you wash it whenever the nose loop gets too hard, ideally with soap/detergent and softener, and then let it air dry. No need to detach the nose loop from the collar though.

Question: Is this no pull head collar for every breed?

Answer: No. Bulldogs and other breeds with generically limited airways or flat noses are not encouraged to wear this product. It is common for these dogs to frequently experience breathing difficulties when exercising or under stress.

Question: How is this head collar dual-purpose?

Answer: It's dual-purpose because it can easily convert to a traditional collar with a bonus tag ring. This is the unique design feature about this product compared to all other halters. Simply open the spring gate ring and remove the nose loop from it. Keep the spring gate ring on the collar so it serves as a tag ring.